Our developers are experienced game devs and IT-professionals with proficiencies in Unreal engine and Unity among others. They are also well versed in modern application development for both web and mobile. For example MongoDB and AWS are in daily use at our studio as backends for video games as well as mobile- and web applications. If you are interested in development services we might be able to help.
Architect / IT-Consultant
Senior Developer / IT-Consultant
tel. +358504368224
Our journey started from the Ultrahack hackathon event near the end of 2015. Where a group of students from Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, came up with a idea of Hamstering, a game to reduce children's hospital anxiety. They brought in some programmers to the team and came second in the Health track. They were awarded with workspace from the GE Healthcare’s Health innovation village in Vallila, Helsinki.
Near the end of 2016, to further develop and market the Hamstering game, a company named Ticca Oy, was established. After that we have been operating as a small video game studio.
In 2017 we continued working on Hamstering but our focus was shifted to Virtual reality subcontracting projects that we did in with Donkey Hotel VR production house. We were responsible for the software development part of several VR-demos and POC-projects and most notably we developed the customized 360 video experience platform for the Inside Outside Finland art installation.
In 2018 we decided to put a hold on our subcontractor partnership with Donkey Hotel as well as the Hamstering project, which seemed to be going nowhere. We focused our efforts on our new game development project: Story Scribe.
We made this video game release calendar web app as a summer project.
Story Scribe was launched in the beginning of 2020, but the game was far from finished. We used the the rest of 2020 to implement fully functional online play features.
Fully fledged online multiplayer version is released in June. Now that the games is live with an active playerbase, optimization and community driven development can begin.
While we expect to still be busy with Story Scribe, we are also looking into new opportunities and once again offering our expertise to others as well. Not to mention a completely new game project that has been brewing behind the scenes...